Layers of fear 2 dlc
Layers of fear 2 dlc

layers of fear 2 dlc

Psychological horror - Is this part of the film, or are your memories playing tricks on you? Your world may change with the slightest of provocations, you must decide what is real.Discover your past, and expose the reason for your having been cast for this film. Story-driven exploration - You must explore the world around you.You push those memories down but let the experiences drive you into who, or what, you must play.ĭarkness surrounds as you stand silently in the spotlight, the only sounds to be heard over your heartbeat are the distant breaking of waves against the hull and the sound of cameras pointed in your direction preserving this moment for eternity.Ī deep and commanding voice rises from the distance. That same past has scraped deep furrowing scars into you, not on the outside where the world can see, but in a place buried so deep within that it has become shapeless.

layers of fear 2 dlc

Your past has helped to mold you into what you are, forced upon you the skills required to hone your craft. The demand to act fills your mind, but the script pages hold no words. No call to action that you need to become this version of yourself. Written just for you.You are met with silence.

layers of fear 2 dlc

Not just in character, you are the character. The cameras are all focused on you the center of the scene.

Layers of fear 2 dlc